Sir Isaac Newton, FRS (4 January 1643 – 31 March 1727 [OS: 25 December 1642 – 20 March 1727])[1] was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian and one of the most influential men in human history. His Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, published in 1687, is considered to be among the most
Aug 11, 2011 - Av - 10
Bible Thoughts April 23 to May 22 BIBLE THOUGHTS June 23 to July 22,            2009
  HOME Bible Thoughts July 23 to Aug 22           2009
Matt.5:20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes  and Pharisees, there is no way you will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Find Out How? Sermon on the Mount
Bible Thoughts Oct 23 to Nov 22           2009 Nov 23 to Dec 22 2009
  Knowledge is of no   Value Unless it be  Translated into love
  And Love Becomes    Valuless When  Translated Into Law
  The Search For Happines;    Written by Daniel a Slave of Christ 1989
Jan 30 , 2011 - Shebbat - 25
   August 01, 2011 Jewish          Month Av Begins
Aug 15, 2011 - Av - 14
STOP JUDGING    Written By  Daniel a Slave of Christ Jesus
 The Generation   That Deceives     The World
Written by Daniel a Slave of Christ       Jesus
The greatest challenge facing mankind throughout the history of our world as we know it, is defining love,that is, God's love by man's love, in a world which is created by laws for our flesh.
Dec 18, 2010 - Tevet- 10
Av (Hebrew: אָב‎, Standard Av Tiberian ʾĀḇ ; from Akkadian abu) is the eleventh month of the civil year and the fifth month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar. The name is Babylonian in origin and appeared in the Talmud around the 3rd century. This is the only month which is not named in the Bible. It is a summer month of 30 days. Av usually occurs in July–August on the Gregorian calendar. The Babylonian Talmud, Taanit 29a, states that "when we enter [the month of] Av, our joy is diminished". This is because the darkest events in Jewish history occurred during the first week and a half of this month, particularly The Nine Days which culminate in Tisha B'Av, the 9th of Av. However, there is a minor and largely unknown holiday during the full moon of the month called Tu B'Av which was, in ancient times, one of the happiest days of the year. The month is also sometimes referred Peace Freedom Truth Grace Peace Freedom Truth Grace

Whereas, God is love, this means He is the condition of love, whereas we humans love in the condition of law. These two condition overlap at times, however, and most often they collide creating an incongruous view of God's love.
Written by Daniel a Slave of Christ Jesus
Free Copy Here Timeless Truths of Love
Written by Daniel a Slave of Christ       Jesus
The New Creation
Jan 17, 2011 - Shevat - 17
Those Acting    Wickedly  Aganist The   Covenant Daniel a Slave of    Christ Jesus
Jan 13, 2011
Luke7:45 You gave me no kiss, but she, since the time I came in, has not ceased to kiss my feet.
The power of appreciation based upon love for God's goodness has moved mountains into the sea, nothing express faith greater than appreciation for God's love, it is proof of faith, where it is translated into love of God we have gold founded upon the streets of the new heavenly Jerusalem above.
Love and appreciation cannot be demanded out of respect for a higher authority, respect and authority is what most person want in their lives when actually love and appreciation is what is lacking. The self-righteous Pharisee's felt this woman did not appreciated holiness, or his position and power, when in fact she loved the person of Jesus Christ as God's authority on earth. The Pharisee's judged this woman according to the law of his faith, and was founding wanting by the very law in had become self-righteous over. Law can make us selfish where we tolerated nothing outside of our judgments and acceptance through our measuring others by rules.
In a world full of hate, cluttered with all kinds of mix messages about happiness being found in religion to politics how refreshing to see a story of real values, where values are found upon the human heart appreciation for the good things of God.
When we consider as a Christian's what is valuable to God and Christ Jesus we find timeless stories of love. We find, nothing of this world being touted over heart values of a person no matter what position they hold in life. All the noise and ruddiness of material blabber, by proud heart gone, vanished like the wind.
If God were to be so small in judgments, He could not have sent Jesus Christ to take away our sins, because each one of us do not meet God standards for life on earth or in heaven. We are found wanting in every way, if God measured by degree sin as we human do, none of us would stand. One spot of sin, one thought of hate or adultery in our heart condemn us, by the simple fact of our birth from Adam and Eve our first parent death is passed on too us, rather we understand it or not, we are sinners, and the only way we can stand is by the blood of Jesus Christ. There is no man on earth righteous enough to say; “I am not a sinner, so I can declare my righteous ways life.” Stop Judging so you will not be judged.”
Luke 7:11 It happened soon afterwards, that he went to a city called Nain. Many of his disciples, along with a great multitude, went with him.
    Glorious Freedom Son's      of God
Yes, when we read of God's love in sending His Only begotten Son Christ Jesus to earth as a lowly, poor person, speak all we need to know of what God is looking for in hearts of mankind. To take something that precious and turn it into a massive organization where power, control and wealth is said to be what Christ is and wanted from us, simply is to believe a lie that denies everything righteous and good Christ Jesus did and died for upon this earth.
Luke 7:48 He said to her, "Your sins are forgiven."
Love covers a multitude of sins, this woman showed Christ Jesus much love, she could careless about the self-righteous Pharisee's approval of her by law. She understood what this Pharisees' and ones like him in modern day religion do not? That those seeking the face of God for forgiveness of their sin, has nothing to do with mans approval. Nothing should let a person go to another human in showing love for God and his forgiveness of our sins through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.
Luke 8:5 "The farmer went out to sow his seed. As he sowed, some fell along the road, and it was trampled under foot, and the birds of the sky devoured it.
Daniel a Slave of    Christ Jesus
When we think of Jesus parable of the seed failing on different types of soil let us first think about the setting of the people and their society. One .1), they lived in a farming community, all life depended upon good soil for life, and two .2), this society had spent thousands of years under God's righteous Law given to Moses. This society of Jews thought in terms of law, right and wrong, black and white, their hearts were not full of love for each other, love was defined by the law, how much love, and how little love, the Law would allow them too show to each other, and their neighbor.
The soil Jesus speaks too was the soils of their heart, that is, what the law produced in each one of their hearts, for example. A road is well travel it is the easy way of getting to a certain place, it was the way most people traveled, where obstacles had been removed, the safest way, requiring little or no thought, just fallowing the flow.
Persian History
Research on Persian history and how it fits into the bible and prophecy.
Persian History Click Map
Father of The Lie
Jesus Christ stated while on earth that Satan the Devil was the Father of the lie, he also said in the same thought Satan had no truth in him, what did he mean?
But here Jesus was speaking to the scribes and the Pharisees when he made this shocking statement, how could he say that scribes and Pharisees were from Satan the Devil? Moreover, why would he say that they had no truth in them likewise?
Read Father of The Lie
Aug 04, 2011 - Av - 3
Commentary 1Corinthian Chapter One
Daniel a Slave of   Christ Jesus
What Is It?
Truth what is it? Truth is a subjective term when it is put into unrighteous flesh defusing it in all manner of light. Each of us develops truth in our lives, by personal experience, and what we lust for in ours hearts. A person may love the law, and search for truth in law, they may love money, and search the truths of making money, but how many of us want to known as love?
Written by: Daniel a Slave of Christ Jesus
Read, Truth What Is It?
Commentary 1Corinthian Chapter Two UNITY READ IT HERE
1Cor.3:5 Who then is Apollos, and who is Paul, but servants through whom you believed; and each as the Lord gave to him? Fleshly Christian's can be much like little children bragging about the color of their eyes or hair, feeling better than another children having a different color, when they had no choice in what they were born with. It is very immature for adults because they inherited good looks from their parents to feel superior to others. How foolish, but the flesh takes ownership of everything it comes in contact with, as though it created itself. Here Paul was dealing with very fleshly Christian's in Corinthian congregation that wanted to belong too another human being, a teacher! But who were they created by, a teachers, had they become so blind by the flesh believing a teacher had conceived them as one of the new creation instead of Yahweh? Yes, they had, seeing only the flesh, and its attributes through their teacher, they were captivated like young children worshiping, and giving glory to parent teachers instead of Christ Jesus. Colossians 2:23 Which things indeed appear like wisdom in self-imposed worship, and humility, and severity to the body; but aren't of any value against the indulgence of the flesh. Paul reminded them by asking; “ who was Apollos, and who is Paul”, were they the owner of the body of Christ Jesus, or just another member created by God's own working, like a hand, foot, or some other part of the body? Had these weak Christian's now started worshiping parts of the body, instead of the Creator of it? What immature wisdom is this, the wisdom of the world in worshiping the dead, yes the dead, the flesh is dead, killed, crucified in Christ Jesus? Galatians 6:12 As many as desire to look good in the flesh, they compel you to be circumcised; only that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ.
Matt.6:9 Pray like this: 'Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. God’s name is Holy no human being can make God name unholy by their conduct or their speech; so what is Jesus Christ speaking about here? Well Christ Jesus is speaking about personal heart conditions or our heart condition. No matter how many times a person speaks a certain pronunciation of God’s name it will not become Holy. In fact it becomes vain repetition that irritates others. Christ Jesus is our righteousness through his blood our hearts are sanctified made clean (Holy) through God’s Holy Spirit. Thus, for God’s name to be made Holy in us we must walk in the Holy Spirit throughout each day. Some religions believe by speaking or publishing a certain pronunciation of God’s name they are making it Holy. Christ Jesus made God’s name Holy among the human race by giving his life for us. When we accept him and walk in the Holy Spirit wherein Christ speaks through us we share in God’s Holiness. Thus, we make God’s name Holy in us. In sharing with others God’s goodness they see our fine works (of the Holy Spirit) and glorify God not us. No matter how you pronounce God’s name it is the condition of our hearts that makes His name Holy or unholy among people.
Gal.3:4 Did you suffer so many things in vain, if it is indeed in vain? Suffering in the flesh is the way among those in Christ Jesus, we are told that we must follow in Christ foot step and to arm ourselves with the same mental disposition as Christ Jesus; for those suffering in the flesh desist from sin. If we do not suffer in the flesh we are not in Christ Jesus, and if we are not in Christ Jesus we are not sinless by his righteousness, and we have not desisted from sin. That is, suffering is a mark of truth for those in Christ Jesus, if we are without suffering of our sinful flesh, we are not in Christ and covered by his righteousness. We cannot be perfected in the our spirit or declared righteous without suffering as Christ Jesus suffered in his flesh. Without faith, that is, trust in God, we cannot overcome or understand our circumstance, if we tried to understand by a groups religious doctrines we will fail. We can only understand by Spirit unseen and unutterable words of our spirit being tried by the flesh. So is suffering in vain? Perhaps, if it is not in Christ Jesus, one cannot be in Christ Jesus without suffering in their flesh, they may chose not to suffer, but it should not be strange nor in vain that they do suffer. That is, if the body has a hand and the body is suffering because that is what it is called to do than the hand suffers with the body. The Galatians wanted another body they wanted a body of law, in this manner they would no longer need to suffer in their flesh for the Christ. Their own righteousness would be upheld by their laws, if they obey the rules they would be accepted as righteous according to the fleshly group associated with; those put in charge over them by laws. These not in Christ would read their faith by actions for or against the rules of the group. The acceptance of these men judgments would be their reward in honor, and glory for obeying the rules of the group. No longer would they have to bear the reproaches of the Christ in their spirit filling up the trials of the body. The Spirit of God in the temple would be replaced by the spirit of men, judging and condemning according to the flesh, but why the flesh? Because the flesh cannot read the Spirit it can only read the flesh and its actions by the law. Suffering for Christ in our spirit can not be rewarded by the flesh and it's laws, it can only be endured in love, patience, and silence outside the approval of the flesh. Yes, in thankfulness, while the glory of God rest upon those suffering in their flesh for Christ Jesus..
Daniel a Slave of    Christ Jesus
BIBLE THOUGHTS May 23 to June 22